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13. Juli 2023
In Patienten Fallstudien
Case Study SK is a 62 year old male who presented with a 1 week history of severe fatigue, and inability to stand without a walker.  The patient previously participated in yoga three times a week, and would walk 2-3 miles a day. He previously took cardiac medications for high blood pressure. His medical history was significant for a splenectomy due to trauma when he was 17 and a positive HLA-B-27 indicating the possibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis He reports no allergies He recently received the first does of the Johnson and Johnson covid vaccine and was up to date on all previous vaccine. He owns his own company which produces professional videos. Review Of Systems Patient denies fever chills, night sweats, blurry vision, chest pain or shortness of breath, skin rashes dizziness or passing out, his bowels have not changed he is not depressed, he complains of severe joint pain, and extreme muscle weakness, he complains of anorexia, no abdominal pain but just a lack of desire to eat and abdominal pain with becoming overly full Examination BP 120/60   pulse 62  O2 Sat 98% on room air Lungs Clear to auscultation Abdomen is soft non tender Back and Spine – C2 RR, t4 RL, right ilia anterior Biodynamic- complete loss of ignition and neurotrophic flow, loss of neurotrophic flow to the gut with a general sense of rigidity in the fluid body Lab Studies CDC and CMP B-12 and Folate were all normal ruling out anemia, and B-12 deficiency, liver and kidney issues Thyroid labs were all normal Lyme titers were negative PSA was within normal limits The patient had an upper and lower endoscopy showing only 1 polyp and no H. Pylori and normal gut mucosa. The patient also consulted with an oncologist and was told that there was nothing concerning in his history for cancer. Discussion: This was a long time patient, whom I had treated for many years.  He presented in a wheel chair, having previously had a very active lifestyle.  Upon examination, patient could not achieve neutral on his own, his functional midline was only visible about four feet to the right of the patients body, his fluid body was not responding to primary respiration or the movement of potency, and his ignition system was very diminished.  We spent several treatments using fluid body resuscitation and looking at the ignition and immune function.  Slowly his fluid body began to respond, and his midline became more integrated.  One treatment in particular, Jan found a false midline, that looked like it was the true functional midline, once these compensations integrated, the patient was able to stand without help.  After the third treatment he came in using a cane instead of a wheelchair.  The patient’s anorexia slowly improved. The patient continued to move towards integration and Wholeness, and he slowly began to achieve neutral at the office visit.  Of concern is his system would feel integrated at the end of the treatment but he would return in two weeks shifted off midline again. He improved to the point of being able to walk unassisted, however he continued to have such severe fatigue that he could not work.  We contacted Dr. Bruce Paterson to be evaluated for Long Covid.  His blood markers showed the presence of non-complemetary monocytes with residual spike protein.  This meant that he continued to have an inflammatory effect from spike protein in his system that was not resolving.  The patient was placed on Maravaroc, and anti-HIV medication that Paterson’s team has found to be helpful in reducing the effect of spike protein on the monocytes.  The patient’s treatments began to hold beyond 1 week, and his fatigue continued to improve.  During this time the patient also had positive Lyme titers and was placed on an herbal regimin for chronic Lyme Disease. The patient currently feels like he is almost back to his baseline energy.  His fluid body now is responsive to potency and his ignition and immune system express neurotrophic flow.  This was a learning experience for me in the integration of Biodynamic Osteopathy, and when the patient was so compensated that they could not hold a treatment, the decision to work with other avenues like medication. Christina Steele 13.7.2023
13. Sept. 2022
In Patienten Fallstudien
Es ist immer hilfreich, voneinander zu lernen, von den Erfahrungen die wir mit Patienten machten. Im Folgenden finden Sie ein Format, das Sie verwenden können, aber Sie müssen nicht alle diese Informationen geben. Die eigenen Gedanken in der Falldarstellung sind immer am hilfreichsten. Aus Gründen der Datensicherheit verwenden Sie bitte keine Patientennamen, sondern nur die Initialen. Anamnese Alter, Geschlecht, Hauptbeschwerde, medizinische Vorgeschichte, Hauptbeschwerde Alter des Auftretens Medikamente letzte Bewertung des Zustands Vorangegangene Operationen Allergien Medikamente Impfungen Soziale Vorgeschichte Familiengeschichte Überprüfung der Systeme Untersuchung Vitalparameter Herz Pulmonal Abdominal Rücken und Wirbelsäule Extremitäten Neurologie Osteopathie Labore/Studien CBC, CMP, etc EKG, UA, US, CT, MRI, Screening-Tests Diskusion Diagnose und Behandlung Reaktion auf die Behandlung Nächste Schritte Referenzen


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